Friday, August 8, 2008

Zenzuu... Scam or For Real? (in audio)

FREE Zenzuu Information

Are Your Speakers Turned Up?

I just wanted to give you an unbiased opinion and a little assistance if you're new to the network marketing industry. Calling Zenzuu a scam is like saying that Google or Yahoo are scams. Zenzuu is a social network and also an advertising network. You may be a bit more familiar with other social network organizations like YouTube, MySpace, FaceBook, DirectMatches, etc. Zenzuu is very similar to those except for the fact that you're going to get paid just for logging in 30 times per month. If you like you can log in 30x in one week, day or hour. Your money comes from the advertisers who choose to advertise on the Zenzuu website. MySpace and FaceBook combined has over 330 million users. They earn well over $30 million per month in sponsored advertising. Zenzuu has come up with a plan. Rather than keep all of that money for themselves, Zenzuu set up a payment structure that will allow you to earn a share of that advertising revenue. Obviously, the more members a social network has, the more that social network can charge an advertiser to advertise on their website. Zenzuu has a very simple business plan...

1. Create an amazing compensation plan involving FREE memberships...
2. Get as many members signed up as possible by introducing this very unique comp plan...
3. Start bringing in the advertisers as the company grows...
4. Company growth equals more money for Zenzuu AND the Zenzuu members (particularly the ones who are actually growing the business by sponsoring other FREE members).

Some may be thinking that the company may soon be saturated to the point where no one is actually earning a decent amount of money in Zenzuu. Well, with the payment structure that Zenzuu has in place, saturation is NOT an issue. As your downline grows, so will your monthly income. Although "revenue shares" will fluctuate depending on the amount of advertising sold each and every month, by growing a decent sized downline your revenue shares will continue to rise. You'll see more in the examples further below and you'll see why and how it will certainly benefit you to come in and sign up as many members as possible (especially before September 1, 2008).

So if you're still wondering if Zenzuu is a scam... No No No. There's nothing "scammy" about a 100% FREE program that is giving back 80% of their gross revenue to their free members. Insane... Maybe. But a scam... Certainly not. In fact, the only way that Zenzuu would even be considered a scam is that if they absolutely refused to pay all of us free members as promised. That would be outright FOOLISH! Every single member would drop out and the advertisers would leave also. That would leave the owners of Zenzuu with absolutely NOTHING. Would ANY company risk 100's of MILLIONS just to make a quick couple million? Well, maybe... but it still would be FOOLISH and I'm willing to take that risk simply because it's costing me NOTHING and I'm advertising my profile for free on the Zenzuu website. So, the question here really is... Are you willing to take that "gamble" and loose out on potentially thousands of dollars because you did not join a free program?

As we are now approaching the actual launch date (September 1, 2008) you can already see how many times you've logged in so that you can make sure that you're not losing any money. From what I understand, you'll also be able to see how many times that your personally sponsored members logged in as well. Keep in mind that once you've logged in 30 times then you'll have to click the link or icon in order to confirm that you wish to be included in the revenue sharing. This link or icon will appear very shortly (if it's not been added already). The clock to the left below would indicate (for example) that you have logged in 15 times. The clock to the right is what you'll see after you've logged in 30 times. Again, you will see this in your back office once you've signed up and logged in.

Logged in 15 times

Logged in 30 times

This is a 100% free opportunity with no option to upgrade. This is a key point because you'll never have to ask ANYONE to spend ANY money:-) I've now personally signed up over 60 people to Zenzuu and my total count is growing every day by at least 15-20 new members (within my first 10 levels). What if YOU only referred 10 members and your downline did the same?


That's 10 billion members on your level 10 that you'd be earning matching bonuses from. Wow... Right? "If you say so", you might be thinking. So let's be a bit more realistic:-) Of course, I know that in "Networking" you'll have some people who will never tell anyone at all. Therefore, as we move down the page, we'll add up some more realistic numbers:-)

Do you have a business plan yet? With Zenzuu it's really easy to refer people because it's no cost and it's FUN. With that being said, I know a lot of you are marketing your own primary home biz. So am I. However, I did take the time to email everyone that I knew and even posted a couple free ads. It took me about an hour. Here's what the "average person" could do to grow their Zenzuu business... Work Zenzuu (on the side) for about a week. Everyday (for 1 week) you should invite at least 1 member to Zenzuu. After one week you're done. You now have at least 7 people (10 if you want the matching bonuses) in your downline who will be willing to spread the word. Why? Because it's FREE! Haven't you been paying attention? :-) What will all of this accomplish? Well in about 10 weeks you're numbers could look like this:


Hey if you already know 7+ people then get them in today. I've talked to people who signed up for Youtube, Myspace, FaceBook, Direct Matches, etc. just so they can refer as many people as possible to Zenzuu. Hummm... not a bad idea.

Search for people in other Social Networking Forums, Top Social Networks, Social Network Blogs, Social Network Ads, Yahoo Social Networks, etc. Those are just some examples of what to search for. You may also use other search engines such as Yahoo, MSN, etc. for your searches. Simply find places to leave your link. Look for activity which means looking for places where people post most often. These ads/comments are read frequently.

If you're on my team then you already
have access to more Zenzuu training information.

Let's Think Realistically!

Again, we all know that EVERYONE will not share the opportunity with others. That's just a plain fact. Even if you were REALLY giving away 100 dollar bills some people would STILL be skeptical. So let's just not worry about those types of people! Even if you got your TEN (10) members and each person below you got only an average of two (2) each down through 10 levels then you'd earn a matching bonus on 5,120 members. Doesn't that seem like a logical and realistic number? But keep in mind that 10 is the magic number because this will get you paid that matching bonus on level 10. Just imagine if all 5,120 members were earning just $5 each. That would earn YOU over $25,000 monthly (not counting the income from your first 9 levels)! Even if they were all earning just an average of $1 each then you'd still earn over $5k per month. But look (below) at what happens if EVERYONE would get just ONE more person to join this FREE program!

If you've ever heard the term...
"The Power of Duplication"

then you already know how powerful it can be...

You get 10
Each downline member
gets an average of 2


You get 10
Each downline member
gets an average of 3


If you're interested in joining Zenzuu for the advertising then that's great also. That's actually the reason I first joined (until I got on one of the conference calls). I still advertise here but I also have a better understanding of the opportunity itself (which is extremely rewarding).

The conference call information is below...
Every day: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat. (No call on Sun)
Starting at 10am Pacific, 12 noon Pacific, 2 PM Pacific,
4 PM Pacific, 6 PM Pacific, 8 PM Pacific

Dial: 646-519-5860 THEN PIN NUMBER 3214# TO LISTEN.


Again, your goal should be to sign up at least 10+ active members (ones who will login 30x per month). Of course, preferably, you also want people who are willing to spread the Zenzuu word. Having 10 active members will get you paid a matching bonus from EVERYONE on your 10th level. In all due honesty, we have no idea how much 1 share of the "pool" will be worth. However, if it's worth only $1.00 then many of you will be very happy to have 10,000 members on level 10. Would this mean $10,000 to you? Not Exactly! This would mean $10,000 PLUS to you. A matching bonus means that you're paid WHATEVER that member (or those members) are paid... just so you understand. If you have 10,000 members on level 10 earning 5 dollars from their downlines' activity (each) then that's $50,000 to YOU PLUS the money that you're earning on your first 9 levels which could easily double that $50k. So what if you only have 1,000 members on level 10? What if 1 share is only equivalent to 1 quarter ($.25)? This could still accumulate to FREE money that you only had to invest TIME to get. It takes less than 15 minutes per month to login 30 times. So if you only get paid $100 then you're earning about $400 per hour (15min = $100 x 4). This is truly a NO RISK deal and it is SCAM FREE!

On a final note...
Don't wait! Get your ads out before someone beats you to it. MILLIONS of people have no idea what Zenzuu is and will be very appreciative of your telling them about it. When they signup, send them to my blog for more info. That way I can't "steal" them from you because they're already signed up below you:-)

Five Important Notes

1. Make it a point to personally attend at least one conference call per week so that you can stay updated with any changes that may take place in the compensation plan or features on the Zenzuu website.
2. Once you have joined, you MUST login 30 times per month. It doesn't matter if you login 30 times within the same day or the same hour.
3. Necessary to sign up at least 2 people in order to earn 5% of the earning of EVERYONE in your organization 9 levels deep.
4. Earn more by signing up at least 10 active members (before September 1, 2008) and you will earn a 100% matching bonus on EVERYONE on your level 10. After 9-1-08 you will only earn a 75% matching bonus on EVERYONE on your level 10. After 9-1-08 you will have to personally sponsor 100 active members in order to earn the 100% matching bonus.
5. You MUST click the confirmation button to confirm that you want to be included in the revenue share. If the button is not clicked then you will NOT be included in the payout for that month.

Let Joe Risk Explain!

Most importantly, remember this... Every business needs people/customers.
Without people there is no business that could possibly survive.

This is YOUR business! Your mission is simple...
Find people who are willing to make money with no out of pocket cost, period!

Advanced Network Marketing Training
By Dani Johnson
Click Here to receive over 180 hours of Free Training
Click Here to hear a sample of Dani Johnson's training.

It has been my pleasure in assisting you...

Happy Promoting!!!

Call me if you have any questions at all:-)

Harold Bryant
International Executive Director
Become a Zenzuu Affiliate